École Franco-Arabe - Baye Seydi Thiaw Laye
مدرسة ءربية فرنسية باي سيد تياو لأي
التحفيظ القرآن الكريم و تربية ا لا سلامية
مرحباً - Bienvenue - Welcome
École Franco-Arabe -
Baye Seydi Thiaw Laye
École Franco-Arabe - Baye Seydi Thiaw Laye
مرحباً - Bienvenue - Welcome
École Franco-Arabe -
Baye Seydi Thiaw Laye
École Franco-Arabe -
Baye Seydi Thiaw Laye
مرحباً - Bienvenue - Welcome
École Franco-Arabe - Baye Seydi Thiaw Laye
École Franco-Arabe -
Baye Seydi Thiaw Laye
École Franco-Arabe - Baye Seydi Thiaw Laye
مرحباً - Bienvenue - Welcome
Franco-Arabe – Baye Seydi Thiaw Lahi is a private French and Arabic school operating in Senegal since 1984. The school is located in Cambérène, in the community of Dakar. It was founded by Baye Seydi Thiaw Lahi, who was then the leader of the community and employed teachers following a vision to provide high-quality Arabic teaching to youngsters in a disciplined environment.
The school started with only two classes teaching only Arabic, but during the 2010-2014 session, the school experienced a lot of difficulties and challenges that it nearly shut down until Mr Abass Bah who returned to the community after his studies, decided to take full responsibility of the school in 2014.
During the 2014-2020 session, Franco-Arabe Baye Seydi Thiaw Lahi welcomed its first French class which was introduced by Abass himself to further enhance the children in their learning.
Abass has done an incredible job in expanding the school after taking over. He added two big classes on top and divided them into four classrooms. Two of the classrooms are dedicated to teaching Arabic, while the other two are for both English and French, making it a total of six classes altogether. He also introduced English language lessons to the French classes to make it possible for the students to be bilingual.
يٰٓاَيُّهَا الَّذِيۡنَ اٰمَنُوا اسۡتَعِيۡنُوۡا بِالصَّبۡرِ وَالصَّلٰوةِ ؕ اِنَّ اللّٰهَ مَعَ الصّٰبِرِيۡنَ